What is common between chunk, vibe, scene contra, and eda mone? Akhila Krishan dives deep into the world of new coinages and expressions in Malayalam, explaining how it is more than just a linguistic change.
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A Kerala Studies Blog
What is common between chunk, vibe, scene contra, and eda mone? Akhila Krishan dives deep into the world of new coinages and expressions in Malayalam, explaining how it is more than just a linguistic change.
Read moreWe wrap up this season of our podcasts with Malavika Binny and Rekha Raj. In this episode, we explore how clothing, and by extension, the body itself, have been both sites of violence and protest in Kerala, and closely tied to questions of class and caste.
Read moreWhen foreigners respond positively to what audiences perceive as ‘our’ culture, we feel validated. Soumithra M. S. asks: is this just the pleasure of inter-cultural sharing, or is there more at stake in the popularity of certain media handles and content creators?
Read moreEver since Aleena’s collection of poems, ‘Silk Route’, was published by Goosebery Publications in July 2021, her works have been discussed widely on social media, for her use of the Malayalam language in innovative ways while discussing complex politics. Aleena talks to Ala about her poems and their politics, and about using horror as a genre for poetry.
Read moreFor three decades now, regional media has brokered public engagement with science and opened a new sphere for political deliberation[…]
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