Pothikkettu is a monthly editorial that ‘wraps up’ the issue for our readers. Dear Reader, The proliferation of literature festivals[…]
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A Kerala Studies Blog
Pothikkettu is a monthly editorial that ‘wraps up’ the issue for our readers. Dear Reader, The proliferation of literature festivals[…]
Read moreIslam’s relationship to images is widely discussed, often in ways that perpetuate Islamophobic stereotypes, erasing context, history, diversity, and change. Countering such popular narratives, Mohammed Sadik shows that conversations around image use in Malabar’s Muslim communities represents a long and dynamic history of debating and adapting Islamic principles to a changing world.
Read moreഎം.ടി യുടെ കഥാപാത്രങ്ങളുടേയും, അവ സഞ്ചരിച്ചതോ ഇടപഴകിയതോ ആയ സാമൂഹിക വ്യവസ്ഥിതികളുടേയും ഒരവലോകനമാണ് ഈ ലേഖനം.
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